Getting a job offer is always exciting. After all, its nice to be wanted. However is it the right job offer?
If you’ve been made redundant there’s often the added pressure of wanting to get back earning as fast as possible. Especially if you have limited financial resources. Therefore taking the first offer to come along can be a serious temptation.
So what constitutes a good job offer? Chiumento’s Mike Burgneay offers his views.
Right job?
It may seem obvious, but is this a job you both want to do and are confident you can do?
Just stop for a minute and reflect. Is this a job that excites you? Will it offer you challenge and development? Or will it quickly become a repetitive drudge that makes every working day a drain on your energy and motivation?
You spend a lot of time at work. It is therefore really important that you enjoy your job. There’s nothing worse than being stuck in a role that you find meaningless. That will inevitably begin to show in your behaviours and performance. Potentially leaving both you and your employer deeply disatissfied.
The right job will energise you. And give you a sense of self-worth. It will deliver more than just a pay check at the end of the month.
You also need to be sure you can do this job. Every career move will typically involve a mixture of the new and unfamiliar with tasks you’ve already mastered. Just be sure this isn’t a leap too far into the unknown. A bad move can haunt your CV for years to come…
Right people?
Our exit interview data tells us that individuals often leave people rather than organisations. The obvious example being a poor boss. Unsupportive or incompetent colleagues don’t help either. Nor does a sense of not fitting in.
Are you sure you’ve met enough people to know you’ll enjoy the team environment? If not, ask to go back and meet more of your potential colleagues. If you didn’t like your potential boss at the interview the chances are working with them will be no better. When in doubt, ask to meet them again before deciding.
Right culture?
People also tell us that one of the main reasons they leave organisations is a lack of shared values. So make sure yours align with those of your potential employer.
Don’t take what it says on their website at face value. Some organisations proclaim values designed to appeal to customers or external stakeholders. They may not accurately reflect the day-to-day reality of working there. Make sure you ask potential colleagues what it is really like.
Great employers live and breathe their values. For example, one of the reasons Chiumento won an Employer of the Year Award was the observation that our values “run like a golden thread through everything”. They aren’t for show. They define the DNA of our business.
Is it practical?
A one-off 90-120 minute journey to an interview can seem an exciting trip. By contrast, the same trip repeated daily in winter can quickly become a chore. Be sure that the journey to work really is sustainable.
If the job is home based, be sure you have the right working environment to succeed. A dedicated workspace (rather than the kitchen table or the arm of a sofa) can make a huge difference. Slow or or unreliable broadband can become a major frustration. And will the people you share with be supportive that home is now also your workspace?
Work can quickly become a challenge if the practical elements aren’t in place.
Is the package right?
We constantly see Chiumento delegates land jobs that pay more than the role they’ve just been made redundant from. Being let go doesn’t mean you are worth less. So don’t just take the first offer you get. If the pay isn’t right – or the wider rewards package – be prepared to negotiate.
Doing your research is important. What are people like you being paid elsewhere? A great starting point is looking at what salaries are being quoted for similar jobs on LinkedIn, Indeed and other job boards.
Make the right decision
The fact you have a job offer tells you that you are a great candidate. As such you deserve a decent offer. If you have doubts don’t jump in.
“Job hopping” is still an issue for some recruiters. So making a couple of wrong decisions in quick succession can blight your CV. Or at least mean future interviews spend more time focusing on past failed moves rather than what you can offer now.
A great coach can make all the difference
Chiumento delegates benefit from the support of a Career Coach or Career Advisor who can help with the tactics of negotiating an offer. It can make a huge difference. Make sure you use them!

Ian joined Chiumento in 2008 and took over leading the business in 2013. He is also Chairman of our parent company, Aldeburgh Holdings. Ian’s role is primarily future focused – leading on strategy and ensuring that Chiumento evolves to meet changing market demands and business conditions. He remains an active talent management consultant and executive coach working with UK and international clients. A Chartered Member of CIPD, his background includes in-house HR roles as well as working for a global talent consultancy.