In a fiercely competitive jobs market, hiring is hard, reducing attrition should play a big part of your retention strategy.

We have been working within the HR sector for nearly 30 years and over that time have formulated 8 key areas that impact retention. During our independent exit interviews, we focus on these drivers, collating and analysing all feedback, before grouping the findings into the corresponding topic. So, you can quickly and easily see which areas are of the most concern and therefore need addressing first, which areas are potential quick wins, and which will need a longer-term approach to improve.



We have a range of exit interview services that help organisations get the most out of the process, providing them with meaningful results and data that they can act upon to make a real difference to their organisation.

Organisations that are new to exit interviews or want to improve their offering can outsource the entire process to us.  Not only does this free up valuable time for your HR department and team leaders, it allows exit interviews to be conducted by a totally independent party, who are highly trained and able to dig deep and get to the bottom of any issues.


You can decide to embed our service in your offboarding process by triggering a referral when someone leaves. We’ll take care of the organising and conducting the interview.

Trained Specialists

Our interview team are made up of career experts with backgrounds in career coaching, recruitment and talent management.


Using an independent third party to provide insight, results in greater transparency. There is no incentive for us to sugar coat and influence the insight captured.

Actionable Insight

Our dashboards and reports will provide you with qantitative and qualitative data that can be used to take immediate action to retain the best people.


Keeping the data secure and private is essential in building trust with the departing employee. Without creating this trust it will be hard to always get the whole truth. 

Launch Ready

Our exit interview process and platform is “launch ready”. That means you don’t need to do anything other than decide who to interview. We do the rest.


Our interviewers are trained to go with the flow and have real conversations. We don’t script our interviews and that’s how we are able to provide the most clear insight.

Couldn't my HR team or line managers do the interviews?

Pressure on time and/or lack of training or experience can result in exit interviews becoming a “tick-box” exercise with both the quality and quantity of insight potentially compromised.

If, like us, you believe interviewing departing staff is as important as interviewing those you wish to recruit then outsourcing the activity may make a lot of sense.

What if people don't want to take part?

By conducting structured, probing, independent exit interviews with departing staff, you will create a real impression that you take retention seriously.

In return the departing staff are more likely to take the opportunity to provide feedback seriously too.

What can we do if we get a lot of negative feedback?

That’s up to you! We are a consulting business so if you find that the interview data is presenting you some real problems you hadn’t expected, we can work with your leadership team to improve the organisation through one or more change programmes.

Can you help us improve the process we're currently running?

We’re always happy to see how we can help companies improve. Get in touch and we can have an informal and confidential discussion on how we could help you.

How when and where do you conduct the exit interviews?

Best practise is to conduct an exit interview after your employee has left.  We discuss and confirm the exact timings with our clients.  But generally, we suggest between 2-6 weeks after leaving.  They are generally conducted via the phone or video call rather than in person.

How much would it cost to outsource exit interviews to you?

Prices depend on a number of different factors but in any case we guarantee value for money. Call us or get in touch via info@chiumento.co.uk and we can chat through the options, and supply you with a detailed and customised quote.


020 7224 3307




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