Offering outplacement is an investment

Offering outplacement is an investment

Offering outplacement to staff impacted by redundancy might at first seem an odd decision. Why invest in those leaving the organisation? Especially if the whole point of the reorganisation is to save money.  In my first proper HR job, I remember being invited by the...
What is the cost of outplacement?

What is the cost of outplacement?

Once upon a time there was apparently a “rule of thumb” about the cost of outplacement. One of our founders told me that until at least the 1980s the guide was to allow 10% of salary. So a £50k role would get something in the region of a £5k outplacement...

Why do your people need outplacement support?

With so many job vacancies out there, employers could be forgiven for asking why their people need outplacement support. Finding a job is easy, isn’t it? There are lots of jobs out there. 1.1 million of them in the UK according to the latest official figures. On...