Toxic High Performers

Toxic High Performers

Toxic high performers are individuals who deliver great results but by means that can completely undermine an organisation’s culture. Over a decade ago, we developed the Chiumento Culture Matrix to help clients explore this concept and challenge their...
The business case for exit interviews

The business case for exit interviews

Making the business case for exit interviews is relatively easy. Here’s just some of the factors you should consider. Having vacancies costs money Rarely does an employee leave without implications. Those implications come in many forms. It could mean you are...
Getting a job offer – should you say “yes”?

Getting a job offer – should you say “yes”?

Receiving a job offer can be a really exciting moment. Especially if it comes in the wake of redundancy. However is it the right job offer? When you are out of work, the temptation can be to grab the first thing you are offered. It can seem like a life raft in a sea...