Are homeworkers healthier?

Are homeworkers healthier?

I’ve just been reading an article from a US magazine that reports how sick leave amongst homeworkers appears to be 70% lower than for their office-based equivalents. As with all data, I think that raw statistic poses more questions than it provides answers. What it...
Delegation: why is it so hard?

Delegation: why is it so hard?

Delegation – or frankly the inability to do it – is often one of the biggest constraints on business growth. Leaders, no matter how good, have finite capacity, and eventually even the best run out of bandwidth and become bottlenecks in their own organisation. So why...

Trust is easier to lose than build…

“Trust arrives on foot and leaves on horseback”. I first heard this old Dutch saying about 5 years ago. And, of course, it is true. Trust is lost much faster than it is won. Building up trust is a bit like filling a piggy bank. You put little bits of loose...